MSM And The Globalist Agenda - A Critical Clarification About The Media And The Purpose Of The Resources Section

What we are living through now is the end of the old paradigm world – a world where enjoying our natural, divinely-bestowed sovereignty in peace and happiness sounds like a Utopian myth.

In the old paradigm, a secretive, super rich elite conspired to dominate and control humanity through social conditioning. They have done this through the media and the educational system. They planned this coup, wrote and spoke extensively about it, and have been executing it for over two hundred years. And when that is understood, along with their stated ultimate goal, everything becomes clear, and the many seemingly disparate phenomenons usually dismissed as conspiracy theories make sense as part of our reality.

Using distortion, fabrication, and omission, mainstream media is paid to lie to you. That's why you will not find this information there. You must go to alternative media, “truth media,” if you want to be truly informed. It is easy to find complete historical, scientific, and legal proof for all the points made in this article on those venues. Only cognitive dissonance can stop you.

In fact, over 90% of all mainstream media - newspapers, radio stations, television, magazines, everything - is owned by a handful of billionaires whose sole concern is to tell you what to think and what to do so they can control you, your money, and your energy. These are the same people who patented lab-created viruses in number over decades of time and planned the Covid fraud more than a decade in advance.

The pharmaceutical companies, in fact, own and/or control the AMA, the CDCs, the WHO, the NIH, and the FDA. When you have honestly researched this you will realize that all the evidence of this and more is readily available; we have it all on record. And with regard to Covid, we have it court-room-ready, with actual legal teams internationally that are creating court cases they are already winning to bring to justice the perpetrators of this greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

And the stated, ultimate goal of the globalists' agenda is depopulation.

The two hundred year old plan to depopulate the world by at least ninety percent would leave a manageable amount of us to work for them as slave labor.

When the idea of a global conspiracy to control the world is accepted and understood, everything from mercury fillings and fluoride to chemtrails and the UFO cover-up fall together as a single plan and everything becomes clear. There is, in fact, nothing “theoretical” about this conspiracy.

Everything in the globalist world – media, government, religion – is tied together through corporations, families, clubs, and secret societies. And, as stated, they have been writing and speaking about this the entire time. Decades of substantial research corroborates this.

The world as presented by MSM is a fabrication used to control us with lies and a heavy dose of fear manipulation. This is how they have accomplished the Covid scam.

There is a direct parallel with mainstream media and alternative media to what occurred in Nazi-occupied Europe in WW2. The Nazis dominated the radio waves, spewing propaganda and lies about what was happening, trying to demoralize the people. Countering this was the Underground. “Resistance” groups all over Europe rallied for the people and created alternative sites to inform the populace about what was really happening.

Truth media of today shares factual information and builds morale, while the mainstream media continues to incriminate itself with its constant lying. It is now, finally, in the process of falling apart. All that will be left soon will be individuals and venues such as you find in this Resource section; people and sites you can trust to tell you the truth. It is with this in mind that we “offer you a universe of resource venues to expand your awareness and prepare you for the changes that are about to come”.

Those who have trusted MSM believe – because MSM tells them to – that there is no story but their own. Flagrant, criminal censorship has abounded since 2016. No one telling a different story is allowed to speak on mainstream media. Their narrative is the official and true one, and anyone saying different is “fringe”, a conspiracy theorist, or even a “domestic terrorist,” like a parent trying to protect their child from schools forcing them to wear a mask and learn critical race theory. Globalists want you to think that if you hesitate to believe them for a second you will be in a class of idiots, fools, and dangerous people who are in the minority, but are causing a lot of trouble for normal, sane people.

And the reason they have gotten away with this for so long is that so many people have fallen so deeply asleep to who they really are that they have lost touch with their moral compass and willingly do what they are told to do without questioning. This is what is called “social conditioning”, and it is exactly what the Globalists wanted to accomplish.

At this point, MSM's false narratives on Covid and the 2020 election, among many other things, have lost so much steam, and the spiritual energies on the planet have so increased, that at least half of all Americans know something is wrong with their story. The evidence is piled so high it has become almost impossible to ignore.


It is up to each one of us to want to know the truth and to determine when we are trying to fool ourselves so we can hold onto what we think will make us feel secure.

It is time to let go of the old story now, because the entire history of humanity as we were taught is completely false. As it continues to break apart, and we remember what we really are and act that way, a new paradigm and a new age will open for us, one in which the light of truth leads the way. And humanity, having reclaimed its birthright of sovereignty, will live in peace and happiness.

So take a deep breath (and continue to take deep breaths), stay present, and carefully examine what is shared on these alternative sites.

Choose to know the truth.

For it is truth, and that alone, that will set you free.


Parisse Deza
